
The Athletic Department provides a diverse program that encourages students of a wide variety of ages and all ability levels to participate. Personal growth, teamwork, and good sportsmanship are strongly emphasized. Our goal is to help build confidence, fitness, healthy responsibility, and life-long interests among those students participating.

The goals of the Physical Education program are to expose children to a variety of activities, games, and sports; to teach teamwork and friendly competition; to encourage students to give their best; to let them experience a variety of activities so that they can enjoy and be physically fit for a lifetime. The program encourages and enables all students to have experiences of success.

Staff - asymonds

Abbey Symonds

MS Science Teacher
HS Placement
Athletic Director

Colby-Sawyer College, BS
UVEI, Sciences Ed. Certs.

Sant Bani School competes inter-scholastically in:

Alpine Skiing
Cross-Country Running
Track & Field

With sufficient interest, other sports may be offered as a club.

Recreational sports available to grades K-6 include cycling, touch football, hiking, skating, skiing, swimming, golf, tennis, and equestrian sports, as well as organized physical education.