
Our goal is to help students acquire basic knowledge, skills and attitudes of science so they may be better able to serve others through meaningful work and to participate effectively in society. Through our program, we foster students’ natural curiosity about the world around them and encourage consideration of the powerful influence and responsibility humans have in the world. Science teachers make good use of the woods and fields around the school for field study and reflection.

Staff - asymonds

Abbey Symonds

MS Science Teacher
HS Placement
Athletic Director

Colby-Sawyer College, BS
UVEI, Sciences Ed. Certs.

In grades K-4, Science classes are led by the homeroom teacher for 1-3 periods per week. Students observe and discover seasonal changes and weather, plants, insects, rocks and soil, animals, the human body and the solar system. Field trips, expert visitors, classroom experiments and a variety of text resources enrich the curriculum, and science activities are integrated with other subject areas.

In grades 5-8, students have a daily class period for Science. Fifth and sixth graders continue to do a significant amount of outdoor observation. They also do a variety of hands-on experiments, research, report and discuss current events. Junior High classes focus on a year-long theme; seventh graders take Life Science and eighth graders take Introduction to Physical Science.